Friday, June 24, 2022

Success journal 547: Night out without kids

We try to eat out together as a couple, spend time together, and connect without kids. Grateful that Sally can take care of the kids. I left work around 1830hrs, hopped on the bus and managed to catch Jenny at the bus stop opposite turf club. She just finished her horse riding session. We decided to go out for a meal together. 

Yesterday found a burpple deal. 

I ordered ribs, and Jenny ordered steak with eggs. We also order two glasses of chardonnay. The meal cost us about 65 after the discount. Which I think is still relatively expensive.  

She shared about her work politics and her struggle at work.  Seems like this Ms C is giving her a lot of pain. 

It is almost the 1st time we dine out as a couple after our holiday. Life is not going to be easy moving forward. It is funny why these toxic people are around the companies. They can thrive in the modern economy. 

After our meal, we took a short walk back home. Jenny connected with her parents, and I connected with my parents before we walked home. It is my dad's birthday and her sister's wedding today. 

We showered and sleep

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