Friday, June 17, 2022

Success journal 543: Standing for myself

 After work, I took a bus to change to terminal 2, an hour journey from work to fetch Jenny. 851 to Seletar and 858 to change. 

Reached terminal 2 around 1938hrs. She was waiting there, chatting with Jayden. 

We walked together to terminal 1 jewel to look for a restaurant for a meal together. 

We chose ding tai fung. We ordered a prawn cake, fried rice and xiao long bao. Cost us around 50++ 

I remember that was the price around this a few years ago. Probably I ordered less now 

The entire atmosphere is almost perfect until I asked a question if she is going to chai ann place to collect Thumper and Daisy 

Then we started to argue. Sad case 

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