Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Success journal 761: Weekday date night with JENNY, P1 registration,

Eat less than I burn, and spend less than I make. Invest in the difference. 

It is a rare occasion now for us to take a break on weekdays. With a work schedule and parenting on the plate, it seems impossible to get a good night out with kids free nowadays. 

Yesterday was Jayden's P1 primary registration, Jenny asked me to take a half day off. So I did it, although the registration can be done online completely we seem to want to go through it together. We have registered Jayden into ACS Junior, a boys' school which is around our area. Based on yesterday's hearsay, ballotting is required. So I need a lot of luck until the 31st of July. 

After our P1 registration and dropping Jayden off for CMA, we went to Hong Kong Dei for an afternoon tea, we ordered an egg and Ham sandwich, Fish and Chips and a Polo bun. 

We hang around with Jacob in United Square while waiting for Jayden. After that, I took a short nap.  Jenny and I went to Orchard to deposit some money bank. 

We bought a taro coconut shake, from Nr Coconut and we went to Sushiro for dinner. The dinner cost us $27. 

This is our rich life.  Grateful and a happy person. Perhaps we should eat less in the future, too many meals yesterday. 

We also heard the sad news from HK, Miss J's mum may have been diagnosed with Cancer 

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