Monday, February 28, 2022

Success journal 479

1st of March 2022. Time flies and 

Got home early yesterday, set a clear boundary of my work and focused on them. 

Had food poisoning 

Aligned with Jenny last weekend, and we were very connected. Grateful to have crist covering for my work over the weekend 

Did rebounding in the morning 

Due to the small,l talk I implemented recently. I get to connect with people in a more profound lI will. Will have to work on that further to connect with people. Received bottles of Apple cider vinegar gummies which is very nice.

Grateful for the day. Thanks 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Success journal 478

 A long weekend for me. 

  • Received a tax-free 2k dividend from RE4. 
  • Paid off my wedding loan finally. It took me six years to pay them off. 
  • This monthly payment which I have set, will be channelled to investment or property mortgage payment. 
  • I took out one kilo over time. Currently, at 85kilo, my target is 76kg
  • Last Saturday morning, we went to east coast park play Grove with Matthew and Ting Ting. Played the vertical challenge, kids pool and snorkelling in the sea. I hope the kids enjoyed it 
  • Saturday afternoon, we connected with Michelle for dinner in Koh grill Wisma atria. Glad we managed to catch up finally. 
  • Sunday morning, I brought jayden and Jacob to rugby, did yoga and went to the vivocity library. It was good fun. We borrowed a lot of books. We also spent some time in the pets lover centre to see some dogs. Saw one samoyed that looks like pinky. So cute and steady. 
  • Uploaded a vlog onto Jayden's YouTube. 
  • Read a few pages of the essential thing in Starbucks 
  • Watched inventing Anna on Netflix.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Success journal 477


My Alibaba tanked to 100. If I liked it at 200, why can't I like it at 100? 

Connected with Jenny and jayden in the morning. Say goodbye to Jayden; he has this morning routine to say goodbye to me. 

Worked until 11 pm yesterday to rush a schedule for the team. We worked happily together. Kang Qiao, crist and me in our 2nd-floor meeting room. We were pulling a tired face to show to our family. 

Miss E connected with me via linked in yesterday; it was a surprise as I remember I didn't do well earlier. 

As usual, I did rebounding connect with jayden, Jacob and Jenny in the morning.

Also, I am connected with Kenny about Australia and the world news. He has this dark view about the future and believes he is the minority. I wish him all well. 

My younger brother and mother had covid. Both mild symptoms, grateful about that. Hope my dad is alright. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Success journal 476

 Sleep earlier than usual and feel good in the morning. 

Minimise my television time 

Read jayden a story and learned about falcon yesterday. Perhaps I should be reading more marvels characters to Jayden

I also played blockus with the family after my meal. 

I am trying to incorporate reading time into my nightly ritual. 

I am also connecting to people who have the same vocabulary. At least to my thoughts and also my values in life and investing 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Success journal 475 no hesistate

When you scold them, the next time, they will hide from you. Don't hesitate to assist people and to continue to push hard. 

Yesterday came home late. Upon reaching home, I spent time with jayden and read a story for him before going out to fetch Jenny from her meal. I tried to connect with her and went to bed after massaging her. 

Woke up at 0630hrs today, took my supplements, connected with Jacob in the morning, rebounding, read and wrote in the morning. 

A quote I am telling myself is that don't hesitate 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Success journal 474- Jenny's interview

I got back home around 2130hes yesterday, completely knackered. After my shower, I connected with Jenny yesterday after work; she got a few interviews to prepare, and her ex-boss just connected with her. 

I understand how to connect with colleagues, is those small talks make people want to discuss things with you. I connected with people in the design team and also the bim team. To release a bit of tense from their side. 

Things that I am practising in the morning are taking my supplements, rebounding, connecting with jayden and Jacob and also speaking with Sally. Apart from that I also read and write on the bus. 

The book I am reading is the most important thing. I wish I can connect with my 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Success journal 473 , sunday rugby with Jayden, a day to detox

 I am going to do a weekly vlog and a daily blog. I would start short and post whatever I could. I will do the editing on the phone and write my blog while on the bus. 

My typical Sunday routine: 

0800hrs rugby with jayden and bond with Jacob

0900hrs a walk around turf city 

1000hrs Yoga with Frannie 

1100hrs spend time with family 

1300hrs Plan my week.

1400hrs Free and Easy. Connect and bond with Family 

2000hrs weight my self and prepare for a work 

I have also reviewed my weekly action lizt, below 


Jason's action list 


1. Raise my standards - Improving myself

2. Change my limiting belief

3. Model what works- Mentor

5. Step up and give

6. Smore minor less than I earn and invest the difference. Build an income machine

9. To own businesses during the crisis and below value

10. To detach emotions and investment ✅

11. Pareto's law

12. To read and write on the bus 

13. To sleep at 1030pm and to wake up at 6 am for rebounding

14. To create weekly videos 


1. Drink Lemon water

2. Salad Meal

3. Intermittent fasting more than - to fast from 8 pm to 12noon weekday

4. To take Cold Shower weekly

5. To drink at least 2 litres of water daily 

6. To achieve 68kg, 17% fat. to stabilise my weight and lifestyle

7. To stop snacking and to stop soda drinks in the office 

8. To drink apple cider vinegar every day

9. Rebounding 


1. To hold stocks, to buy good businesses

2. To listen to books' podcast

3. To put Money into FFA every day for compounding interest ($4.3m)

4. To invest in my FFA account every month

5. To connect with investors (Online and offline)

6. To get a Passive income of $18k monthly to bring joy to my immediate family by 40

7. To read annual reports before buying stocks. 

8. To connect/network with people with the same interest online and offline 


1. To monitor freehold properties in Singapore

2. To save a 400k downpayment together with jenny by 2022. 100k to go! 

3. To find the next property course to attend with Jenny/Shaun 


1. Prioritizing relationship with Jenny, listening to her needs, to communicate with her closely every day 

2. To connect with my parents

3. To align my long term goals with Jenny's. Every quarter review in a fancy restaurant. 

4. To apologise even is not my fault, to love unconditionally.

5. To spend quality time with Jenny, oil her every night 

6. To run/walk with Jenny around the neighbourhood

7. Acts of Service, Gifts and Words of affirmation are Jenny's language of love. 

8. Put a smile on jenny's face every day

9. To make tea for Jenny when I can

10. To connect with Shaun for family matters 


1. To work on gratitude journal- post on Blog spot daily on the bus. 

2. Read the intention card daily with Jayden in the morning 

3. To watch short education videos on youtube every night on the bus

4. To create a positive ritual at the start of the day. I.e. To sleep by 1030 pm and wake up by 5 am, and start reading and walking.


1. To spend time and energy with Jayden

2. To swim with him at least once a week

3. To bring him out to one outing per week

4. To let him attend Chinese classes.


1. To bond with him in the morning and weekend

Friday, February 18, 2022

Success journal 472, jeff and goh cathchup and walk to bus stop


This morning Jenny and jayden walked to the bus stop with me, and I felt warmth and support. Although it is just a brisk short walk, the connection with the family in the morning means a lot to me, and I think your family bonding. We get to connect and chat for a bit. 

Managed to leave the office at 7 pm yesterday to eat with Jeff and got. Xing wang is rubbish, and I think it is a waste of calories. The connection with ex-colleagues is good.

We spent about 25 per pax and at the end of the meal we did connect for a bit about life and stuff.  

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Success journal 471 and farewell with weiyang

 Left work earlier yesterday and spent quality time with jenny. 

Habits I am tracking: 

Waking up at 6 am

Connect with jenny 

Lemon water 

Play piano with jayden 

Play blockus with the family 

Read and write on the bus 

Went on for a farewell lunch with weiyang in a taxi; we are 120 for 4 of us. We discussed family matters, travel and stuff.

Jenny is frustrated with Sally recent black face encounter. I guess she couldn't sleep well as I am telling her that if we are getting a new helper now, it will cost us 6k. She suggested letting her fly home in June while we are away. 

We will have to pay for the pcr, and she is very frustrated with my approach about helper

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Success journal 470

I came back home around 2100hrs, took a quick shower and meal and continued to work until 2330hrs. Not the kind of life I am looking for. 

Woke up at 0640hrs, giving myself waking up late for working last yesterday. Met an LTA colleague yesterday and chatted for a while. 

Yesterday Gabriel sent me a screenshot of about vtl back to KK. That is very nice of him to share this with me. 

Connected with my parents about flying back to KK, and they are very excited. 

Things that I didn't do well were having snacks and drink from the pantry.

Did took my pills and apple cider vinegar today. 

I also wrote and read on a bus. 

Said goodbye to jayden via the telecom as I nearly forgot to say goodbye to him. I called him, and he said, what are you doing? Which I find very cute. Xoxo. 

The book I am reading is the most important thing by Howard Mark.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Woke up at 0640hrs, wasted my time in the morning and missed my rebounding session. 

Connect with my mum yesterday, and I told her about my plan to meet them in June. She was excited to hear that. I will have to start looking for flights and stuff. I will have to take care of my health as I see many youngsters get strokes in the hawker centre. The stroke will cause our family a lot of money in the long run and forget about investing. Be very grateful for what I eat from now on. Discipline discipline discipline 

I clocked 12k footsteps yesterday, and I am feeling good today. I will keep up the steps every day and improve on my walking to the site simultaneously. 

I am more connected with Jenny and will be organising more family outings. I love spending time with Jenny as she is very conscious and could unleash her full potential in the right environment. She will be open and willing to share and listen. I wish we could have more of our family time together and sometimes it can be less expensive. I think we should be setting a budget too for our monthly gathering 

I am starting to read on a bus and am continuing the habit. 

Monday, February 14, 2022


Writing is to understand me more. To write my thoughts and feelings while going through all the roller coasters in life. 

Jenny is applying for a role in Melbourne, a place we wanted to go to a while ago. We even invested in a small apartment there. Life will be very different by then, and I think I should be looking for opportunities in Melbourne now. 

The way to improve my blogging, vlogging, reading and writing are by blogging, vlogging, and writing. With that, I could practise my skills and improve on them. 

I have completed my third book yesterday, the four agreements. And it is wise not to have an earphone on the bus so I can write and read on the bus now. Imagine today I ran out of boom to read. Will have to get a few new books. Xoxo

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sj 467 jenny birthday celebration

 I had last Saturday and Sunday off.  spent most of the time with family and Jenny celebration and research on stocks 


I woke up in the morning and snuggled with Jayden and Jenny. Then we went to buy pastries from Kamome bakery. I brought jayden and Jacob to the bakery. Jayden helped out with the tray, and they both behaved well in the store. Kamome bakery has since become my favourite bakery around the neighbourhood. After getting the bakeries, I brought jayden to Thomson road playground and let him play with the swing for a bit while Jacob relaxed in the stroller. 

We then went back home, had a quick breakfast with the family and helped out with tidying up the house for a bit for tonight's guest. 

I then brought Jenny to Tanjong Pagar, Bam restaurant, for her birthday lunch. The meal was great, and it cost me about $250. 

After our meal, we went for a bit of shopping and headed home to swim with Jayden. 

Irish family reached around 6 pm; we had games, chit-chat, and meals until 2230hrs. It was a great bonding and experience sharing session with them about parenting stuff in Singapore. 


Woke up and got ready for Jayden's rugby I. Tangling rugby club. Took a grab, and we reached there around 0808hrs. Jayden coach today is Gavin, and he had not been reached by then when we were there, which was a bit disappointing. Some other coaches have already prepared the cones and stuff for the kid's arrival. In general, the coach's energy seems relatively low compared to other coaches. 

I also took Jacob out with me when I brought jayden to rugby. Jacob has been behaving well; in fact, he fell asleep halfway through the rugby session. At the same time, I received news from my parent that my mum had covid, though without symptoms. I immediately called her and checked with her about her conditions and plan. 

After rugby, we went back home and took care of Jacob for a bit, and we went to Shangri-La for a Jenny birthday lunch. It is an Italian restaurant called waterfall. Ordered two three-course meals and a kids meal. Spent almost like 3 hours there relaxing.  I note that they got a charming nursing room in the hotel, so for those with infants, Shangri-La is an excellent place to bring; however, if possible, to skip the stroller. 

After our meal in the waterfall, we did spend a bit of time wandering around the hotel, and then we walked towards the far east plaza (all about tiramisu) to collect Jenny's birthday cake. 

After collecting the cake, we took a bus back home, took a bath with my kids, and Jenny cut her tiramisu cake. The cake was fresh and soft. Love it. 

After that, Jenny and I took a short nap while jayden watched the tele. We then had dinner together. After our meal, Jenny and jayden went out for a walk. We then played blockus until 2230hrs before we all went to bed. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Discipline me; I am recording what I have done and stuff. Writing this blog at a bus stop. Thinking back, I have got so many things to learn. 

Woke up at 6 am, half an hour earlier, and it was part of my atomic habit implementation. I am thinking to set my morning routine.

0600 wake up 

0615 To rebounding or yoga 

0630 To take my pills and shower 

0650 To spend time with Family 

0700 to leave the house 

0708 to write blog and post 

0715 to read on my kindle

0730 to reach my workplace 

1200 to connect with family 

1900 to leave my workplace 

1930 to have dinner and shower 

2000 to connect with the family

2100 to read financial/ to edit vlog 

2300 to sleep 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

SJ465 Thursday morning

 I wrote this blog while waiting for my bus 851 at the bus stop. 

Yesterday evening I left work earlier than usual. I will set a routine where I will be leaving work earlier on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and staying late on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Managed to reach home to have dinner while my family could still chat and talk with me. It is one of my atomic habits that I will be implementing. 

A few atomic habits I am tracking and building for February 2022

1. To read every day on a bus 

2. To do trampoline daily 

3. To make tea and to massage Jenny daily.

4. To swim with Jayden once a week.

5. To plan my week on Google calendar and also outlook.

6. To cut down on my snacking 

7. To do a weekly blog, to post by the end of Sunday 

8. To weigh me every Sunday 

9. To connect with Shaun every quarter 

10. To connect with my parents every day 

11. To connect with friends, this month will be JY and also Jeff 

12. To wake up at 6 am and do yoga and rebounding 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

SJ464 Wednesday

Putting in the habit of writing on my bus, drinking apple cider vinegar, reading the four agreements on the bus and connecting with Jenny at night. 

I worked film 9 pm yesterday and am completely exhausted. Couldn't think straight after work and felt like walking dead. Would like to stop this from keep happening

I also connected with my mum and my dad yesterday. Understand their lifestyle and become someone to connect with them. My parents invited me to go home for a while. 

After work yesterday I went to novena to wait for Jenny's dinner with her colleagues. Had a late meal and watched an apprentice with her.

What I still need to improve is my snacking habits. Have to think of an alternative to stopping my snacking habit and also drinking carbonated drinks in the office. 

I also invited Wei jiun for lunch together today. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

SJ463 weekend and Monday

Resuming my success journal is quite fun and familiar. I am now looking forward to hopping on bus 851 and writing a post. 

Yesterday was my off day, and the day before, which is a Sunday, I worked. During my lunch break, I connected with my brother Shaun to discuss our family business at home and how he is getting along. I guess it is comforting to be able to share his thought and to clarify it by discussing them with me. At least not to face all the trouble by himself. Aligning ourselves with our parents. I shared with him that probably mom is feeling a bit tired about working now. 

Getting off work around 5 pm and spent time with Jayden; it was drizzling. Jayden and I went out to fetch Jenny from newton station. We thought to surprise Jenny, but we couldn't catch her along the way, and she reached home via another route. We had our dinner at home and spent a relaxing Sunday night with the family. 

Monday 7/2/2022

On my off day, I sent Jayden to school, connected with my mom along the way, Jenny bought some bakeries from the game, and I brought the bakery to veronica's place. Got the wrong address but managed to find her place. Sally and I brought some stuff and four tiers of kallax back via gogovan. 

Back home, I had tea and some 🥐 with Jenny before I fetched Jayden from school together with Jacob around 11 am. After school, I went for a swim together with Jayden and Jenny. 

Let Jayden take a nap, and we then work on the kallax installation. 

Finished the installation, and Jayden went for his Chinese class. When Jayden finished his Chinese class, we went to Thomson road playground to learn longboarding. Did a few rounds, and we went to square 2 to meet up with Lucy for dinner in Kaizen ramen. Jayden did misbehave by lifting his both legs and was scolded by Jenny. 

After our meal, we sent lucy to MRT and went back home. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022


Yesterday I left work early connected with Jenny and also Jayden at night. 

Went to Daiso, NTUC and Japan home with Jenny and connected with her. After that, we went home and watched some longboarding tutorials, and we tried longboarding in our room. I also massaged Jenny for good night sleep. 

Woke up at 0630hrs today took a multivitamin, Apple cider vinegar and also vitamin c. Did rebounding for about 30 secs and left the house for work. I wrote this post while I was on bus 851. 

Today will be connecting with Shaun around 12noon about family matters. I will have to plan for the week, months and also the year so I can make a progressive move towards my goals. I think it is time to relook into my goals tomorrow while I got a bit of time so I can move towards my goals. 

Friday, February 4, 2022

Habit to write, 1st day at work after cny

 CNY day 4,

I am back to work, very reluctant after more than two weeks away from work. It is like restarting the engine after a long rest. 

Not much to say about work apart from receiving $10 Ang Pau from the company,  lunch and wine 🍾 

After our drinking session, I left the office around 6 pm and went long-boarding with Jayden in Thomson road playground. He could balance himself well on a board and managed to manoeuvre the board on a curve. 

After showering, Jenny called me that she would be walking back home from MRT, so I woke up and walked to fetch her and to give her a surprise. I managed to catch her while she was walking past ah chew dessert. She was shocked and happy. We then walked back home together. She is very keen on Jayden's longboarding pictures or video, but I only managed to take one or two. 

We chatted for a while, and I fell asleep. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Post cny blog

 Woke up by an alarm clock. It has been a while, I think, since the 22nd of January 2022. Picking up the routine work life again. Took a quick shower, got changed and rush to the United Square bus stop. Waited for bus 851, and I boarded the bus. 

I left my kindle at home, so I started to work on my blog. 

I had covid from 22nd of January and only tested negative on the 30th January 2022. I only left the room on the 31st January 2022 as I got an infant at home. Extra precautions so I will not pass the virus to the family members. 

During my quarantine, I did a few vlogs resume reading about the psychology of money, yoga and rebounding. Although these seem to be tiny things, it required a lot of time and effort to make them happen. I also cleared my family bookkeeping since August, which is overdue. 

Before CNY, I went out for breakfast with Jenny in McDonald United Square. Ordered the wrap and black coffee. They are still providing free refills. Love it. Catching up with Jenny and connecting with her over a meal. We have called off a few reunion meals with friends because of my situation. 

Day 1 of CNY

We went for a swim in the afternoon and spent time together as a family at home. Connected with my dads family via zoom in the morning, and we went for a swim in the afternoon. We walked around the neighbourhood at night and collected the art kit 

Day 2 of CNY

Had breakfast in providore, and went to MBS. Had ding tai fung for lunch, connected with Jenny,

Day 3 of CNY

Visited our 10th floor, Ethan is about 13th months, they are moving away soon after delivery and they are opening a student care. They are Singapore and hong kong couple which are very resourceful and willing to share. We discussed about IVF. After our lunch, we went to the orchard and spent time in the decathlon with the family; we did a bit of longboarding and cycling in the decathlon. We decided to buy the longboard to practise. 

Day 4 of CNY 

Back to work 

A meal with my dad


2017111- Barcelona 

Please note I am writing this blog based on memory. Five years late. Better than never here

While we were given some free and easy time during our tour, we wandered to a market where they got stalls serving food and some selling stuff. 

The market is vast and is filled with people. We were looking for el quim de la Boqueria; they are famous for their baby squid with eggs. Took dad and me a while to find the place, which is not complicated is. Just the place is enormous. When I reached the place, there was a long queue. Random queue, no queue number, is identified by the staff when it is our turn. People waiting got drinks on their hands and started to chat with their company. The owner also came out to say hello to his patrons 

I remember the staff were amiable, and they worked cheerfully in the kitchen. It is very relaxing to watch as we sit at a bar table facing the kitchen. 

I ordered cava baby squid with eggs, and we immersed at the moment. Love the experience. 

Hands down be a memorable meal with my dad