Wednesday, February 9, 2022

SJ465 Thursday morning

 I wrote this blog while waiting for my bus 851 at the bus stop. 

Yesterday evening I left work earlier than usual. I will set a routine where I will be leaving work earlier on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and staying late on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Managed to reach home to have dinner while my family could still chat and talk with me. It is one of my atomic habits that I will be implementing. 

A few atomic habits I am tracking and building for February 2022

1. To read every day on a bus 

2. To do trampoline daily 

3. To make tea and to massage Jenny daily.

4. To swim with Jayden once a week.

5. To plan my week on Google calendar and also outlook.

6. To cut down on my snacking 

7. To do a weekly blog, to post by the end of Sunday 

8. To weigh me every Sunday 

9. To connect with Shaun every quarter 

10. To connect with my parents every day 

11. To connect with friends, this month will be JY and also Jeff 

12. To wake up at 6 am and do yoga and rebounding 

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