Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Success journal 470

I came back home around 2100hrs, took a quick shower and meal and continued to work until 2330hrs. Not the kind of life I am looking for. 

Woke up at 0640hrs, giving myself waking up late for working last yesterday. Met an LTA colleague yesterday and chatted for a while. 

Yesterday Gabriel sent me a screenshot of about vtl back to KK. That is very nice of him to share this with me. 

Connected with my parents about flying back to KK, and they are very excited. 

Things that I didn't do well were having snacks and drink from the pantry.

Did took my pills and apple cider vinegar today. 

I also wrote and read on a bus. 

Said goodbye to jayden via the telecom as I nearly forgot to say goodbye to him. I called him, and he said, what are you doing? Which I find very cute. Xoxo. 

The book I am reading is the most important thing by Howard Mark.

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