Thursday, February 24, 2022

Success journal 477


My Alibaba tanked to 100. If I liked it at 200, why can't I like it at 100? 

Connected with Jenny and jayden in the morning. Say goodbye to Jayden; he has this morning routine to say goodbye to me. 

Worked until 11 pm yesterday to rush a schedule for the team. We worked happily together. Kang Qiao, crist and me in our 2nd-floor meeting room. We were pulling a tired face to show to our family. 

Miss E connected with me via linked in yesterday; it was a surprise as I remember I didn't do well earlier. 

As usual, I did rebounding connect with jayden, Jacob and Jenny in the morning.

Also, I am connected with Kenny about Australia and the world news. He has this dark view about the future and believes he is the minority. I wish him all well. 

My younger brother and mother had covid. Both mild symptoms, grateful about that. Hope my dad is alright. 

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