Sunday, February 27, 2022

Success journal 478

 A long weekend for me. 

  • Received a tax-free 2k dividend from RE4. 
  • Paid off my wedding loan finally. It took me six years to pay them off. 
  • This monthly payment which I have set, will be channelled to investment or property mortgage payment. 
  • I took out one kilo over time. Currently, at 85kilo, my target is 76kg
  • Last Saturday morning, we went to east coast park play Grove with Matthew and Ting Ting. Played the vertical challenge, kids pool and snorkelling in the sea. I hope the kids enjoyed it 
  • Saturday afternoon, we connected with Michelle for dinner in Koh grill Wisma atria. Glad we managed to catch up finally. 
  • Sunday morning, I brought jayden and Jacob to rugby, did yoga and went to the vivocity library. It was good fun. We borrowed a lot of books. We also spent some time in the pets lover centre to see some dogs. Saw one samoyed that looks like pinky. So cute and steady. 
  • Uploaded a vlog onto Jayden's YouTube. 
  • Read a few pages of the essential thing in Starbucks 
  • Watched inventing Anna on Netflix.

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