Thursday, February 3, 2022

Post cny blog

 Woke up by an alarm clock. It has been a while, I think, since the 22nd of January 2022. Picking up the routine work life again. Took a quick shower, got changed and rush to the United Square bus stop. Waited for bus 851, and I boarded the bus. 

I left my kindle at home, so I started to work on my blog. 

I had covid from 22nd of January and only tested negative on the 30th January 2022. I only left the room on the 31st January 2022 as I got an infant at home. Extra precautions so I will not pass the virus to the family members. 

During my quarantine, I did a few vlogs resume reading about the psychology of money, yoga and rebounding. Although these seem to be tiny things, it required a lot of time and effort to make them happen. I also cleared my family bookkeeping since August, which is overdue. 

Before CNY, I went out for breakfast with Jenny in McDonald United Square. Ordered the wrap and black coffee. They are still providing free refills. Love it. Catching up with Jenny and connecting with her over a meal. We have called off a few reunion meals with friends because of my situation. 

Day 1 of CNY

We went for a swim in the afternoon and spent time together as a family at home. Connected with my dads family via zoom in the morning, and we went for a swim in the afternoon. We walked around the neighbourhood at night and collected the art kit 

Day 2 of CNY

Had breakfast in providore, and went to MBS. Had ding tai fung for lunch, connected with Jenny,

Day 3 of CNY

Visited our 10th floor, Ethan is about 13th months, they are moving away soon after delivery and they are opening a student care. They are Singapore and hong kong couple which are very resourceful and willing to share. We discussed about IVF. After our lunch, we went to the orchard and spent time in the decathlon with the family; we did a bit of longboarding and cycling in the decathlon. We decided to buy the longboard to practise. 

Day 4 of CNY 

Back to work 

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