Friday, March 14, 2008

Admit your Mistake but not your weakness!

I remember Donald trump mentioned about never admit your weakness in front of your boss, let him realise your weakness by himself. Admiting your Weakness would give him a hint on focusing your weakness, and not what you can archieved.admitting your weakness would not help much in the situation, instead of tryinog as hard as possible to solve the problem would be a better option indeed.
I do think this is very right in the reality, as when i watched America's Next Top Model short clip talking about admiting that she is nervous in front of the judge, and in the end of the episode. she was out!!

Admitting weakness and Admitting mistake is 2 different things, One is u mention what you are not good at in the begining. and the other is you responsible for what you have done.

Admit your Mistake but not your weakness!

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