Monday, March 17, 2008


Semenyih, a place i am living now,there is nothing here, nothing at all beside lovely friends, great enviroment, wonderful Campus,i mean most of you guys woould think why would we study in one of those remote area in Selangor, as there are no clubs, no shopping complex, no luxurious restaurant.

Semenyih, a place where i

- lost 20kg(You hardly find ppl overweight in this University)
- break my addiction to computer games(there are no cyber near by)
- Study harder than before
- Could renew my self every week(sometimes, not really everyweek)
- Afford to play badminton without considering the price of the shuttle. (the shuttle cost 1 to 2 pound in UK)
- Could concentrate more in my study instead of working part time and all stuff
- Could watch movie as often as i like(Cheap Tickets, where now there are free movie too) and I got housemate who watch movies everyweek too, I really happy about that~~
- Could save more!
- Meet a bunch of good friends!

That is all about the place i am living currently~


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