Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sport weeked!!

I have met alot of new friends during this sports weeks, i mean tons of them, as i have joined the swimming relay, volleyball competition with the chemical engineering(the imported me, as civil do not have their own team). but anyway, i have lose both games, but i really gained tons of friends out there!! just in one week. i am happy about that, losing a few games but met some new friends today.. (kenny,Yb,Ali, Shuram,helmi,daniel) i write their names here incase i forget in the future!

Besides, i wan to thank those people who helped out in the badminton.. i really appreciate it
A big thanks to all of you!i wonder how my life would be without you guys around!!
Definitely won't be that interesting!!Haha..

This is just a wonderful sport week for me!!
3 more weeks to exam~~Looking forward to it as after exam there will be no coursework, for 4 months!!

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