Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Choose my friend carefully

Went to a social meeting recently and I felt Mr A is not listening to what I am speaking. When we met the second time in Takashimaya after MBS. He did not recommend his friend to me, what an awkward situation. standing in front me while introducing his friend Mr L to CCY. Mr L approached me and speak to me instead.

Although is relatively negligible action but I guess my attendance seems to be not appreciated.I strongly believe that I am a very sensitive person. Especially with people's emotion.

Maybe because I have got no use to him.

There are things I have learned from today's meeting is that. Do not force into a relationship. It will only bring you hardship in order to nurture it.

I need to shift my mindset, choose my friend carefully.

Focus on what I have got.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Parents in SG 2/10-5/10

So they are here again after my one week off for KK, KL and Penang.

But this time round, I am working on my day shift.They reached here on a Friday late afternoon, they checked in themselves in V Hotel at Lavender and meet up with Jenny in Bugis around 630pm.

I went to join them immediately after work for dinner. Aunty Michelle was there as well. We had our dinner at Crystal Jade Ramen. The moment I sat down with my family, I felt that my mum was a lot more open to Jenny this time round. Somehow, she started conversation with Jenny on her own. Grateful.

After our meal, we then walked around bugis, I brought them to shopping for a while at BHG. We then walked across the road for Ah Chew Dessert. After our dessert, we called it a day, and I went home for rest.

Day 2- Saturday

I went to work, while auntie Michelle accompanied my parents to Hearing aid to fix my dad's hearing aid. after fixing, I met up with them at Takashimaya. After oru usual free coffee at Nespresso counter, we went to the food court below and had sit down for a light meal. We bought north Indian meal and shared amongst ourselves. My Aunt excused herself while we were starting to eat our meal.

After our meal, we took a cab to Sentosa casino.

we ended our gambling session around 12 o clock.

Day 3- Sunday

Went out with Jenny for breakfast at Novena. Meet my parents around 1pm Raffles city nam nam. I guess they are getting better in coordinating and location places in Singapore. Basically, it has become a norm that my parents could somehow locate a place without a gps which I am very impressed with.

After we met up, I brought them for a meal in Spizza at capitol. My mum liked their chicken wings very much and felt that it was value for money. Jenny got one for one on the pizza. So the meal was heavily discounted. My aunt joined us half way and I installed fit bit on my mum's phone.

After our meal, we went to Suntec new wing to do window shopping. After our shopping session, I brought them to toast box for a coffee session. My aunt was particularly happy about the coffee session. She brought out bread she bought and shared with us.

We then went Giant to shop for a while, bought some bananas.our all the groceries shopping. we took MRT to Tanjong Pagar for Super Star K.Luckily it was a Sunday, the queue in Super Star K wasn't long.

We enjoyed the meal very much especially when we got Makgeolli. It comes with all the Korean appetizer, kimchi, vegetables and crispy anchovies. We also ordered steamed egg, crispy seafood pancake. On top of that we also ordered 3 kinds of meat. So I ordered pork neck, beef ribs and pork belly. We were rather full after we finished all the food on the table.

Mum mentioned that we should order one less meat next time.

I am very grateful to be able to spend such quality time with my family.. Thanks for coming to Singapore to accompany me. Love you all.

We were discussing to plan our next holiday to west Malaysia on our next trip.

PS: Places to bring my parents there next time.

Banana Leaf
Korean BBQ at haw paw villa
Sentosa Aquarium

Monday, October 5, 2015

Story of a Muah Chee

When I was driving in Penang, heading to Kek Lo Si. 

I was stuck in a traffic jam when I was looking for a car park at the Ayer Hitam in front of the market. When i somehow saw a parking space, immediately I saw an uncle near to my car waving at me, directing me into the parking space. I guess he waved 3 times and then ran towards the place I parked my car. 

When I alight from my car, he asked RM3.00 from me, which I felt obliged to give as he looked old, filthy and poor. Not giving him make me felt like I am the worse demon in Penang. 

From the time I saw him till he collected his Rm3.00, I would suggest is probably less than 10 seconds. 

So technically,  he earns RM3.00 in less than 10 seconds. 

The story didn't end here. 

After I parked my car, I started to look for some Penang delicacy and saw an uncle selling Muah Chee on his old modified motorcycle with an old banner hanging. 

The uncle was sweating because of the heat from his motorcycle, he was also constantly stirring his homemade Muah Chee. When I approached him, I asked if he would let me try first before I place an order with him.

After trying his Muah Chee, I even asked if the Muah Chee could be heated up so that my friends could enjoy the Muah Chee. In a split second, I somehow become a Muah Chee critics, tasting Muah Chee in a michelin star restaurant. 

However, I dropped all my judgement when he said Rm3.00 for a packet as he reminded me of the previous RM3.00 I have spent or gave away a few minutes ago. 

Same RM3.00 but different amount of work/expectation. 

In life, it is not about the amount of work we have put in but is the amount of value that we could deliver. Focus on the latter instead. 

Larger amount of work not necessarily equal to the amount of value we could deliver. 

Wrapping up my September 2015

I went home for a few days between 22/9-25/9.

Met up with family, relatives and friends.

Met Michael- Videographer.

Met Darlene- Coordinator for the TAH

Aligned with Shaun.

Bought dad's staff lunch.

Chatted with Quah till 3am int he morning. He told me about how his peninsular wife settling down in Sabah.

Left KK in a hurry. I didn't catch up with my parents well this time round. I guess because they are busy with their work while I am busy with my preparation.

Flew to KL on the 25/9 with Teo. We took the same flight, although we were arranged to sit apart, however, the flight was half empty, so I asked Teo to join me. he slept throughout the journey.

I had a burger in the flight which cost me about RM 15.00 which makes me ponder how I could afford this burger if I am working in Malaysia.

I read a magazine in the plane which I bought for my younger brother's vision board Learned more about the property's insight in Malaysia and decided to subscribe when I reach Singapore.

Upon reaching KL, Mau brought us to a pub near his place to chill with his mates.I remember one of his friends is called Tony Leong. Exactly the same name as the Hong Kong Actor.

We bought a few rounds which cost us around RM500.00. Mau bought overpriced fruits too from a young lady from Sandakan. Of course, Teo fell for her. Kept mentioning that her facebook profile picture was beautiful. I ignored him initially as she wasn't that gorgeous. However, after Teo showed me her Facebook profile picture, which he somehow managed to obtained, I must say she got one hot profile picture. But that is all about it.

On the second day in KL, we went to Bangsar South Vertical to check on a property for sale. The landlord owns 3 units together with her brother. She brought us around in the building and showed us the property. It was selling at about 1k per square foot. Rental was about 4.8 psf./month. The occupancy of the entire development is currently at 20%. According to Mau, it will take years to filled up the development with tenants.

After our brief visit of the property, Tony bought us starbucks opposite to wrap it up.

Wilson joined us, and off we go to Penang for Shannon's wedding. 

Wilson is very into Melbourne and had submitted his PR application for Australia. He is planning to do a cleaning franchise business in Melbourne. He wanted to start his life over again for the sake of his next generation.

We reached Penang around 6pm. checked in to a huge house. 11 of us stayed in the house, although not all of us are together at one time, some checked in earlier, some checked out earlier. Apart from the air bed, I guess our accommodation this time round was value for money. At least, air cond is cold, and hot water is hot.

We went for a nyonya dinner, and of course supper before we call it a day.

On the 2nd day, we went for toast breakfast in a famous restaurants. After our meal, Xiao Yun's friend brought us to Ayer Hitam asam laksa.

After all our meals, we then prepare ourselves for Shannon's garden ceremony. It was held on green by the beach with nice weather and parachute as background. I met a few old mates. After their wedding vow and kiss. We did a photograph session together with the newly wed.

It wasn't long, until the dinner starts, I guess is less than 20 tables, and it was very simple and pleasant.

Adrian delivered a wonderful best man's speech.

The gathering was a great one. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Conversation with Mum and Dad

My mum asked me to buy property in Malaysia. All in a sudden, after looking for properties with for so long. Finally I got some response from her.

In the midst of preparing for my wedding stuff, I am not sure if I should be happy with her suggestion. I doubt I could juggle between property acquisition and also my wedding reception in Tanjung Aru.

I indirectly asked her to focus on the wedding stuff and also acquisition of my dad's partner share as that will severely affect our family's relationship.

Dad is planning to invite Akzo Nobel MD and also Mr Wong to my wedding reception in KK this coming March. What is his concerns is that it will make the environment more business-like. And people will probably be more tensed. However, I encouraged him to invite them as his good friend Mr Wong had asked him personally about the date already.

I told dad that his concerns about doing a ROM in Malaysia is viable. I just need to obtain a certificate of approval or something like that in KL. My mum is suggesting us to do a garden ceremony prior to our reception.

Anyway, I have delegated the entertainment part to my dad. He will arrange the emcee for me and also the entertainer if necessary for me.

I will have to confirm with Darlene and I believe i will be able to add int he package later.

My Mum has been taking in a lot of stress recently regarding my wedding preparation.

I will further discuss with her for all the problems that she had facing and stuff that I could help.

She also told me about some of the issue between my dad and also my younger brother. They seems to have some conflict especially when it comes to work.

Lunch with secondary school mates in Crystal Jade Palace Takashimaya

Woke up at about 12 o clock today, had lunch in Crystal Jade Palace with a bunch of secondary school mates in Takashimaya.
Majority of us were rather punctual, we all reached around 1330 except for Kaiting, who is slightly late. 

Generally our topics for this month were about Shannon’s wedding in Penang, How I slimmed down and Charles two months topic. My wedding preparation was also part of the conversation too, although I didn’t go into detail.

I gave an introduction about my slimming program. Putting an identity to a new me isn't easy task. Especially throwing a pitch to everyone on the table.Maybe I should do that more often and practice more with big tables. I suggest toastmaster will be very helpful. Looking forward for my next session. 

Crystal Jade Palace gave me the VIP room this time which is the same one when we did Shannon's farewell. 

10 of us joined the lunch; Aik Pin, Teo, Lun, Wei yang, Amelia, Charles, Aikpin, Alvin, Kally, Charles and Kai ting. Kai Ting was late for the meal.  Teo, Aik Pin, and Lun are singles there.

Aik Pin asked me about how I slimmed down and the effect was rather obvious. I explained to everyone that I got a personal trainer and also a consultant taking care of my diet. I saw Alvin is particularly interested with the fat loss program. I overheard that he is keen to contact a consultant to help him to conduct weight loss. 

Aik Pin told me that she has got an offer of GBP 38k per annum as a chartered surveyor in UK. Now she is waiting for her visa to be approved. And before her visa could be approved, she will need to get the sponsor to be ready first.All the best to her! I guess her last day will be around end of October so she will have to apply the visa earlier, the processing time for the visa will be two weeks. As during the application, she will not be holding her passport and will have to stay in Singapore for that time being. I always admire a person that is brave enough to take massive actions. Because Aik Pin is leaving Singapore, Chee Kiong now will be looking for a housemate for the depot road.

Charles mentioned about how he was mistreated by Joann previously in Depot road.Although he said it in a jokingly manner but still the entire atmosphere is rather weird. Especially when Kai Ting is there too.
Kai ting is thinking to move to Singapore to join us. She is looking for legal opportunity within corporate or real estate industry. She didn't say much except until the part when we were talking about their Europe trip this coming November as she will be the one planning for the trip.I offered to send her some itineraries from Serene to aid her planning. 

I said hello to Amelia, but we didn’t connect much throughout as she is sitting opposite me. I saw that she is particularly interested with my weight loss program. I also overheard that she went to Europe for a month too previously. 

Lun didn’t speak much that day apart from the kui hua kao. he likes the delicacy. We ordered additional 3 sets as dessert at the end of our meal. 

Teo was very hilarious although He seems to have problems with sinuses though. He told me one weird rules in their company is that they are all required to take one blocked leave every year so other people will be able to take over their account. Although he sat next to me but I just couldn’t speak much with him. Even things about our last meet up in Laopasat. We didn’t mention anything from then.

Teo and I also discussed about our Penang trip and stuff. 

One thing to note is that Shannon emphasized that we shall not wear black for his wedding. 

Wei Yang will now have to travel to Philippines once every fortnight. Each time will have to travel for about week.

Kally told us about their experience in maldives, they spent about 3k for two for about 6 nights. Alvin mentioned that the changes with the regulations there for their accommodation had bring down the price of the stay.

Alvin is planning to rent a car in Penang so that they can drive around in the city area to look for food. Charles jokingly said there is only Kally you can eat. Can't really look for any other food. 

We also argued about how smart casual should looked like. Definition by top man is formal clothing pieces are mixed and matched

I also announced to everyone that our next meal will be Aik pin’s farewell in October. She will be going to London soon.  It seems Aik Pin is not very group to the others except Alvin and Kelly there.

Generally I would say a great social event started in a awkwardly way, but ended up with loads of laughter. One good weekend spent with secondary school mates. 

We paid about 33 per person for today’s meal. . 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

To do list in Kota Kinabalu September 2015

  1. Meet Darlene- the Tanjung Aru 
  2. Guest list
  3. Photographer (Michael Lee) 
  4. Videographer 
  5. Meet MUA
  6. Florist (decoration)
  7. Check with Darlene about backdrop decoration
  8. Family tea ceremony
  9. Registration of Marriage in Malaysia. 
  10. Meet Emcee
  11. Driving license
  12. Transport for jenny parents
  13. Accommodation for jenny parents
  14. Live band
  15. Check Malaysia loan
  16. Spend quality time with family. 
  17. Update my maybank ac
  18. Update my mykad
  19. Check with popular for available packages for hong konger
  20. Bring parents to do anti oxidant test
  21. Meet LYT
  22. Meet Jon and Larry
  23. Meet up with xiao yun gang. 

I am so looking forward already. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

1st week of September 2015

So I have ended my Weight Management program lasted for 90 days and  lost about 10kg in total. From 86kg to 76.8 kg now. Grateful with program and now is my time to keep the weight until my wedding next year at least

Went to my first training with my new trainer, rubbish trainer, he was late for half an hour for the first session with him. I have checked with the lady

I have been working for the past 24 hours and is still in front of the computer writing this blog to pen down my thoughts for these few weeks.

It has been a down week for me. Market crashed, work load at work is getting more, venue for my wedding reception in Malaysia is not confirmed, Jenny is not happy with what I am doing now.

Felt really tired with this hectic pace that I need to keep up

We went to choose our wedding photos at aisle bridal on 31/8/2015.

Jenny brought me to Angus Steak House in Takashimaya and it was good. It has been a while already sinceI last enjoy a fine dining.

Jenny will be in Shanghai until 13/9/15. Then she will fly to Taiwan and also Hong Kong for the ROM submission.

I will be flying back to KK to sort out my MAKE UP Artist, Emcee, Photographer, Videographer and Venue.

I will be catching up with all my new/old friends in KK. Keep pushing my comfort zone.

Went for a gathering with the Hong Kong group in David's place in Bukit Timah. The neighbourhood is very posh.

Went to Toastmaster with Jenny after being invited by Julia Au, Kelvin Au's wife. Met a few new friends in dhoby ghaut toastmaster. In the toastmaster, I particularly liked Nicole speech, what makes us take action. What differentiate between the action takers and also not action takers. She presented in a very confident manners.

The flow sums the current state of life that I am in. Everything seems to be not organised. I guess due tot he wedding planning at the moment. So many decisions need to be made, and we need to stay firm with our decisions.

I have also met my new mentor recently, he invested in Australia properties, stocks, day trading, played golf, work in the same projects as me and etc. I felt that i will shorten my learning curve if I could learn a few tricks from him. making the right choice is a lot more important than hardworking.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

23/8 Sunday Night

Last Sunday, Jenny cooked my favourite soup, cleaned the toilet and room, bought all the groceries, did my laundry, iron all my shirts and prepared dinner for me.I came back home, although exhausted but feeling good. Life is so good. I felt so pampered.

After our meals around 8pm, we took a walk around the neighbourhood to motivate both of us to work together as a team towards our financial goals which is to own a Ferrari.

One day we will be driving our Ferrari around the neighbourhood.

It will take a lot of effort, but it is definitely achievable.

After our walk, we were both relaxed and chilled for the rest of our night. We discussed about people we met recently, things that happened around us.

We grow together as a couple and went through all the storms together.

just the two of us spending quality time together.

This is how a Sunday should like. Simple and sweet,

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hong Kong Trip August 2015.

Finally I am back to Singapore, today is my first day at work which happens to be on night shift. As part of the policy, we have to do night shift when I am taking my holiday.

So my trip to Hong Kong started from the moment I left my office 2 hours earlier and was spotted by LTA officer. However, He let me go as he knew that I am on my way to catch a plane. 

2nd item to note is that Cathay upgraded to Business class for my flight to Hong Kong... Although I wasn't allowed to use the lounge as mine was upgraded for free but the overall early check in and check out, the meal, space, seat and services all exceeded my expectation! It was truly a comfy journey to Hong Kong. 

DAY 1 (7/8/2014) Friday
One my first day arriving Hong Kong, Jenny was waiting for me at HKIA, after I met her at arrival, we went to collect some souvenirs from Hong Kong and had some roasted meat for lunch/dinner. We then took bus from Airport to Tsim Sha Tsui which is where we will be living this time round. It was on an refurbished building along Lock Road, called BBB Inn. 

After checking in, I took a short nap and we then went to the marriage registration office and checked with a lady regarding our booking for our registration in Hong Kong. After checking with them, we noticed that Jenny will have to fly in roughly on the 30/9 to submit all the documents in order to confirm our registration date on 30/12/2015. 

We then went to 1881, a beautiful place where a lot of couple would take photos in and also the walk of fame along the jetty. To get a feel how it would be like on the actual day of our registration. 

After traveling around, we then went to Fu Lum to have dinner with Jenny's family and her grandmother. 

DAY 2 (8/8/2015)Saturday
We went for a quick breakfast at a Cha Chan Teng opposite our stay, and took taxi to Tsuen Wan to meet up with Jenny's mum and went to a temple together. After the temple, we went to grab a sip at a nearby restaurant and took a bus back to city to meet Jenny's big brother. 

we had a meal together, and he got me some fish balls from the stall next door. Generally he is a very pleasant person. We discussed about university fees in Australia as his son is going to NSW in Sydney soon. 

After meeting jenny's brother, we then went for a high tea at Habitu at Causeway bay. We had hot chocolate and pear fondant. We also went to a famous book store on the same floor. Jenny bought me a book called how to be interesting. 

After buying a book, we then took the MTR to IFC and looked for the make up artist studio. When we were there, the make up artist is a very slim lady wearing a white t-shirt in her 30s. She looked generally weak and gentle but her price for a make up session is about HKD 3k. She helped jenny with about 2 combinations of make up but Jenny didn't really liked it. She decided to go with a lady which she had done a trial with previously called Eva and cost a lot cheaper. 

After our make up session, we went to meet Edith and Desmond at white button. They treated us the meal and we went for a brief walk along the walk of fame. Our gathering with them ends prematurely as they went off before we managed to reach the walk of fame. I remember we had supper together that night. SINFUL! 

DAY 3 (9/8/2015) Sunday
We went shopping at Giordano nearby, and then went to Fu Lum to have breakfast with Jenny's Uncle, Jenny's mum and also her grandmother.
At night, we went to Tsuen Wan to have dinner with jenny's UK Uncle and also 5th uncle ( Dad Side). We bought some biscuit from M&S. We went to play mario kart as well which is opposite the restaurant.
We learned about properties, Malaysia Politics, Singapore politics etc that night. It was rather an interesting gathering. 

Day 4 (10/8/2015) Monday
We went shopping for along Nathan Road to buy stuff for our marriage 
We went for high tea together with Jenny's Mum and sister at Ritz-Carlton, Cafe 103.
We had dinner with jenny's University 's friends at Tsuen Wan. Her friend Simon, owns a Thai Restaurant and organised a gathering with all the uni mates there. We met, Simon, his wife, Avis, Eric,Queenie, Sony,Stella, Vincent, and Vinky. Altogether 10 including two of us. We celebrated Stella's birthday. It was quite a good short gathering. 

Day 5 ( 11/8/2015) Tuesday
We had breakfast together with Jenny's Mum at Fortune estate Tai Ga Lok. After our breakfast, we dropped by at Jenny's grandmother place. 
We went to buy gold, jewelry for Jenny at TSL. Some Guo Tai Lai stuff.
After shop around, we went to the famous polo bun shop at Mong Kok to have our lunch.
We went back our hostel to collect our luggage and head to Tsing Yi to fetch Ching Ching from school. 
We had dinner with jenny's Family at Tsing Yi.. After our meal at about 0630, we bid farewell to Jenny's family and took the airport express to Airport. We boarded the plane separately. I took Cathay while Jenny took UA.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hong Kong pre departure post. Emo post.

I have been emotional for the past few days, probably because I have been working continuously for the past 17 days without rest. On top of that, there was one day which I worked for 24 hours shift without rest.

Work life here is not easy, been chatting with friends and family and majority of them think that I overworked. 

Ok, let's put the long hour aside, I just caught up with friends like Anthony and Calvin tsen. Both are my secondary school mates, game mates. When we are together, we seems act like a bunch of kids. We discussed a lot about personal stuff, work and sometimes relationship. 

Anthony had totally transformed him self since he joined BWW, I guess Anna had passed a lot of knowledge and experience to him. With great mentor, one could learn a lot of life lesson. Which encouraged me to look for my mentor as well. I hope together we can learn and grow together. During the catch up session, We also discussed about Foh going back to KK recently. How life would be for her and how brave she was with her decision. It is definitely not easy to just go back like that. She told us that it is because of her aging parents that she felt that she would want to spend more time with them. Although she also said that her parents seems to want her leave the house as soon as possible which is to get a suitable guy and get married soon. Anyway, all the best to her!

I found that many people are leaving Singapore soon as they found Singapore pace is slightly too fast for them and may not be ideal to stay here for long. Which to a certain extent I agree.  It also makes me wonder what do I want from Singapore? Why do I want to stay in Singapore? Maybe I should list down some of the pros and cons why i would want to stay here in Singapore instead of going somewhere else. 

I have applied for PR in April, and now is already August, anytime soon, I will become a Singapore PR! Which somehow I am not totally into or looking forward to it. It seems like everyone is doing it in order to secure a better job or just to have a better options considering staying here in Singapore. 

I am flying soon to Hong Kong. Somehow, this trip signify a huge meaning to me now. Hong Kong is no longer a travel destination for me. It has transformed to a place where my future in-laws will be there. Travelling there to meet families and relatives will be a different kind settings. Jenny had been very sincere and thoughtful in arranging families and friends meetings. 
There are a lot of decisions, challenging conversation that need to be made this coming few months. Every single words that came out from my mouth will be repeated and will definitely be judged. I understand that I will not be able to please everybody during this period of time. 

Jenny has been away for almost a week now, Life has been very dry and boring. Although I do met up with Joann, Aik Pin, Michelle, Teo, Anthony and Calvin for the past week, but I do feel empty every time after the dinner or meetings. Is like the world just fly in a blink of an eye, good times can be transformed into bad times easily. Nothing last forever!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

June and July 2015 Wrap Up.

June and July have been two very interesting months for me. I proposed to Jenny on 29th of June 2015, went to New Zealand with my mum. 
  1. Health ( My Goal is to drop to 76kg, 21% Fat by End of August)
    1. I have stopped going to gym after 27/5/2015, ever since I am not training with Domz, I have difficulties arranging session with my new trainer called Pradeep. 
    2. Changed part of my diet, took more protein. less fat and more vegetables and fruits. 
    3. I increased my push up to 50 times in the morning. Sometimes, I do 75 times. It is necessary to tear the muscle in order to obtain muscle. 
    4. My weight now is about 80.6kg, BMI 28.2, Body fat 22.8%. My waist has dropped from 102cm to 95cm now. 
  1. Myself (To be a better & successful man)
    1. Australia is out now of my list now. 
    2. I have signed up an insurance plan with Jonathan. $250 per month.
    3. I listened to the podcast on a daily basis. 
    4. I failed to read a book for the past two months. 
    5. I went for a course with BCA. Regarding supervision with underground work. 
    6. Planning to obtain a driving license in August. 
  2. Finance/Investment (To have SGD 100k Saving with 12% return per annum)
    1. I found a knowledgeable property agent in Singapore and also Malaysia. 
    2. Went to property viewing with Jenny called Robin Residences. 
    3. Went to a Japanese property seminar with Jenny. 
    4. Entered position with ABX and also GTE. Looking for Singapore stocks to invest nowadays with Jenny. 
  1. Relationship (To build a strong relationship/Bond with Jenny) 
    1. Farewell dinner for Renee and also Vuisan. It will be a repeat for us where we will have to mix with all the younger generation here in Singapore. 
    2. I proposed to Jenny in Catalunya Fullerton, on 29th of July 2015. The manager on duty was Anna. She was very helpful
    3. I brought my Parents and also my aunt to the fitting so that we can discuss more about the wedding together as a family. I tried to get them involved in the process so that they understand our situation more. 
  1. Family ( To spend at least a month time with my family) 
    1. Going to Hong Kong to meet Jenny parents and her younger and elder sisters. 
  1. Business ( To bring in 500k Sales to Summit Kinabalu per annum)
    1. Met a few key people from the distributor and also supplier side. 
    2. Looking for a marketing business company to help my parents to grow their business on the internet. 
  1. Travel  (To travel to 100 Cities by 35 YO)
    1. Hong Kong and penang

Sunday, July 12, 2015

29.6.15 My Proposal

After months of research on the internet, friends and almost most of my male friends around my age. I have finally got all the necessary items prepared. 

Drafted my Proposal Vow
Diamond from Blue Nile, collected from Hong Kong (Less tax than Singapore) 
Sent to Jann Paul for setting (similar to Tiffany & Co)
Booked the flower from future florist about a stone throw away from Catalunya
Booked the best spot in Catalunya for two. 

On the day it self, in the afternoon, I wore the best shirt I have got in my wardrobe and collected my engagement ring from Jann Paul after which I went to the florist and brought the bouquet of 99 roses to Catalunya to speak to the manager on duty Anna about the arrangement. 

I must say Catalunya staffs were very friendly, they showed me the table which I am going to sit, facing MBS,  that night, and also asked clearly about how the proposal could be done which I am very grateful of looking from hindsight now. Little things can be terribly wrong if is with the wrong person. 

After all the discussion with Catalunya staff, I walked back to raffles city and sat down in Costa for a cup of Earl Grey Lavender to relax my self before the actual thing. 

I stayed in the coffee shop for a while practicing my Vow so that I speak fluently later when is in the actual thing. 

After waiting for a while in Costa, I saw Jenny walking pass the full height glass towards the glass door of Costa, I waved at hear and asked her to come in for a sit as the time is still slightly early for our reservation at 7pm. I was told there will be a laser shows around 0815pm. 

After a brief talk, I then told her that I would like to bring her to a good place to have dinner tonight as it is my birthday the next day. Initially she first rejected as she said it was too expensive, and she nearly get angry because I kept insisting.Without any more delay, I quickly bring her to the restaurant so that we would not change to somewhere else.

Upon entering the restaurant, Anna immediately spotted me and started to touch her colleague next to her, signalling that I am the guy that will be proposing tonight in Catalunya. One waitress guided us to our table and sat us down. 

So as what we normally do, we always order one portion and share between ourselves, that would be cheaper and we consume less calories. 

Without any delay, we started our appetizer and main course with side dish. Although their dishes are small in size, but I must say their food is great and very presentable. A very unique experience. 

After our main meal, we ordered a birthday cake, jenny spoken to the waitress that to make it a birthday cake. Of course, the waitress duly listened to her instruction and said would come back later with the dessert with the birthday candle. While Miss J is speaking to the waitress, Anna came over and signaled to me that she will be bringing the roses out soon. 

My heart start to beat faster and my hands start sweating. I quickly get the engagement ring from my bag and hold it in my hang while I was waiting for the dessert and also the flowers. 

Without any delay, the dessert was served to our table, with a decoration saying "Will You Marry Me". While the bouquet of flowers was brought over to the table by Anna too.

I quickly stand up, grabbed the flowers from Anna, and pass the flowers to Jenny, I took the engagement ring out from my pocket and knelt down in front of her, with all the other patrons at my back. I started to speak my Proposal Vow, with one hand holding her hand, and another holding the engagement ring. 

I ended my proposal vow with the question "Will You Marry Me?" and She said "YES!" 

The crowd at the back of me was like cheering for my success, and I hugged jenny.

We were both over the moon that night! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mum bonding session in New Zealand

Singapore to Christchurch and Oomaru 05/06/15 (Day 1 & 2)

I met my mum around 6pm in T3 Changi Airport. We caught up for a bit in the airport and started our tour together to New Zealand.  

The journey to New Zealand is about 10 hours, which is surprisingly longer than I thought.
 It has been a while since I last took full service airlines, I constantly remind myself to drop the plastic bottle in my bag to the bin as they serve water in the cabin. On top of that, I also have to tell myself not to fill up my own departure card/landing card which my tour guide have filled up everything for me while just leaving the empty space for me to sign.  

We landed Christchurch around 8am in the morning; the weather in Christchurch is absolutely freezing. Everyone started to reach for the jumper/jacket the moment we landed Chrischurch.

We started our land tour in Christchurch, went to see the Main Church which was almost 90% damaged by the Earth Quake in 2011. Christchurch seems to be still in after quake recovery process. It was rather saddening to see multiple collapsed buildings in the city, to a certain extent frightening. After a brief city tour and lunch, we left Christchurch for Oamaru, which is a small town on east coast line of New Zealand’s South Island. Along the journey, we have seen Moeraki Boulders, rounded stones on the shore, naturally formed and also Blue Penguin, which is the smallest penguin in the world.

Day 3 ( Ooamaru- Dunedin-Te Anau)

We went to the oldest known Scottish town, Dunedin.

At night, we went to Te Anau, which is a town in the Southland region of the South Island of New Zealand, Lake Te Anau is also known as the largest lake in South Island.  

Day 4 (Te Aanau-Milford Sound-Queenstown)

Milford Sound is basically one of the major highlights of the entire tour, we went to the national park of Milford sound, took a cruise around Milford Sound. Very scenic place, basically you got snow mountain, gigantic waterfalls and crystal clear lake. The weather is freezing, especially when the chilly wind

After our cruise in Milford sound, we then head towards Queenstown, a resort town famous for its first bungee jump invented, skiing during winter and all the extreme sports you can think of. 

However, by the time we reached Queenstown that day is about 7pm, we took cable car up the hill and dined in one of the most luxurious restaurants in Queenstown, Strastosfare which is overlooking the entire Queesntown.

We also toured around the city area at night and went to the mini casino in Queenstown. Typical Chinese.

Day 5 (Queenstown-Mount Cook)
In the morning, after our hotel breakfast, we toured around Queenstown and took a few photos of the beautiful mountains, lake and some wildlife. The whole town is just simple, quiet and very slow pace. I somehow felt that the people here take longer breath than other places.

We then continued our journey towards North to Mountain Cook. I guess about half way, we stopped by at a King Salmon Farm. (Wairepor Arm). We bought a pack of fresh King Salmon and It was there that I had the best King Salmon in my life that I can remember. Without wasting any time, we continued our journey to Mount Cook. And I must say, the bus journey to Mount Cook is definitely not for the faint-hearted. The strong wind is literally pushing our 20 seater bus sideways, the bus was swaying left and right the whole time. it feels like driving on ice. We were so grateful that we are able to reach our hotel in Mt Cook. I guess this Mount Cook bus journey is also part of New Zealand's unique experience. 

Day 6 (Mount Cook-Tekapo-Christchurch)
While we were having our breakfast, we were told that our helicopter ride to fly around Mt Cook was cancelled due to bad weather. For one instance, I felt butterflies in my stomach.  
I wasn’t given too many options neither after hearing the news. Very quickly, I am on the bus and we left Mount Cook slightly earlier to Pukaki Lake and Tekapo Lake, both famous for its distinctive blue Glacier Water.

 We reached Lake Pukaki first, the largest of three roughly parallel alpine lakes running north south along the northern edge of the Mackenzie basin on New Zealand’s South Island.

After Pukaki Lake, we then move towards Lake Tekapo, which is the 2nd largest lake in the South Island. I remember the tour guide mentioned that this lake is not famous for its size, but famous for its distinctive blue glacier water which is truly stunning. We had our lunch there, shop around the town. We also went to see the Church of the Good Shepherd.

Inside the church features an altar window that frames stunning views of the lake and mountains. I managed to take a photo inside the church after obtaining approval from a lady taking care of the small little church.

From Lake Tekapo, we then continued our journey back to Christchurch.

Day 8 (Christchurch –Singapore) 
In the morning, after we checked out the hotel, we rushed to the airport, bid farewell to our tour guide Mr Jack, checked in and boarded our plane back to Singapore.

This concludes my New Zealand trip 2015 with my mum.

Friday, May 29, 2015

May 2015 wrap up and also forward planning.

This post will be a brief wrap up for my May 2015.
  1. Health
    1. Resumed my training, did a quick body test- Lost 4 kilos over 8 months period from last year. From 85.6kg to 81.6kg. Thanks to my Personal Trainer Mr Domz. Sadly he is going to leave soon. 
    2. Just recently I found my self eating lean at home. I guess this is my main reason why I am not losing weight previously. Will be eating more complex carbs. 
    3. I have been doing push up on a daily basis for 15 times a day. 
    4. Start to prepare food/salad at home and bring to work. Breast meat, carrot, sweet potato, green lettuce and some feta cheese.  
    5. Started to take health supplement from NUSKIN. Testing their product and hopefully can assist with the weight losing part. I am pushing hard for my wedding photoshoot soon in July. 
  1. Myself
    1. Australia will be postponed at the moment. Although I got strong support from my parents to go Australia. However, I would want to stay near my family at the moment. 
    2. I have set a budget for insurance, if you can see from the previous post, it would park under MISC. 
    3. Listened to radio and talk show when I am on mrt/bus. 
    4. Book of the month- 7 habits of highly effective people. . 
    5. To be a member of TUCCS by end of May. 
    6. Register for a course to study with BCA/IES
    7. Attended ABC Cooking studio class in Takashimaya. Learned how to bake cinnamon roll and also ham roll from scratch.  
    8. Applied my EPF. 
    9. Applied my Singapore PR and is waiting for result at the moment. 
    10. Would like to obtain a driving license. 
  2. Finance/Investment
    1. I have contacted a few buyers' agent in KK, to assist me to source for good property deals. It is important to keep updated with market in Sabah
    2. Attended the tax review by SMAT with Chai Ann
    3. Sold majority of my stocks and commodities. Waiting for the big wave. 
  1. Relationship
    1. Caught up with Chai ann, Serene, CCY, Lisa, Charles, Victor. Will be meeting Joann and Aunty Michelle. I am also trying to set up a dinner time with them on Monday. 
    2. Got my diamond ring, it was beautiful. 
    3. Sent diamond ring to Jann paul for setting which was recommended by Victor. I also bought a pair of wedding band from them too. Service was good. 
    4. I signed up a photography session with aisle bridal which was recommended by Angela.
    5. Drafting a proposal plan with jenny. Will be doing it after 27. Probably on the 28 of June that weekend. Time is running out. 
  1. Family
    1. Call my family at least once every week. 
    2. Will be meeting my mum next week and we will be flying together to New Zealand. Some good mother and son catch up time. 
  1. Business
    1. Will be capturing some ideas from dad, and would like to pitch some to him so that he could consider doing it. 
    2. I am very grateful that the internet marketing had worked well and we did have a good start. 
    3. Need to study more and understand more about how to bring more sales in. 
  1. Travel
    1.  I have got my leave approved for my coming New Zealand trip by my superior.Will be visiting a few places. Christchurch, Oomaru, Dunedin, Te Anau, Millford Sound, Queenstown and Mt Cook. 
    2. July I will be doing my photoshooting for my wedding which is coming soon in 2016 March. 
    3. August I will be flying to Hong Kong for the Ang Pau giving session. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Building habits for 2015

There are a few things which I would like to push to happen this year.

  1. Delegate
  2. Break down my goals
  3. Prioritize
  4. Simplify my life
  5. Make self assessment of time on a monthly basis. Identify time wasting activities. 
  6. Catch up on time
  7. Create a ritual/habit
  8. Plan my day
  9. Keep myself motivated
  10. Have razor sharp focus

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Budget Review

My current budget

Save/Mortgage   35%
Living Expenses  35%
Rent                   14%
Travel                 5%
Tel                      5%
Misc                   5%

Total                   100%

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Monthly Progress Update for March & April 2015

  1. Health
    1. Resume my gym session. Now I am targeting to have at least one training with my personal trainer at week. 
    2. Found a new place to eat in which is healthy and lean. 
    3. Push up 15 times daily
    4. My target weight 81kg. Current weight 82.7. I got 1.7 kilo to shed until June. I notice my eating habit. 
  1. Myself
    1. After working out the figures with family and relatives. Going to Australia seems like a plan need to be postponed. 
    2. After going to and fro and listening to products of the insurance. I will need to work out on my personal budget to buy the protection before end of June 2015. For May I will have to think of a way and squeeze the insurance premium from my expenses. 
    3. Downloaded apps and podcast.  listening to ted talk, LBC, Motley Fools radio
    4. My 2nd time using redmart. Very convenient and save time. I had one issue with them is that when I returned the taufu to the driver as it was frozen. They returned my the credit in redmart instead of cash. 
    5.  Jim Rogers: Adventure Capitalist- Gave the book to my lovely brother who is starting to invest also. 
    6. The deal with Desmond did not work out. The up side is that we did meet up. 
    7. To be a member of TUCCS by end of May. 
    8. Register for a course to study with BCA/IES
    9. Book of the month- Speak with Power and Confidence by Patrick Collins. I will spend at least 30 min a day when I am on night shift. 
    10. Found the four critical things in my life: Knowledge, Family, Wealth, Health. 
    11. I have not used google calendar for awhile for planning my stuff. So now going back to google calendar for planning stuff and meet up. 
  2. Finance/Investment
    1. I have contacted a few buyers' agent in KK, to assist me to source for good property deals. It is important to keep updated with market in Sabah
    2. Been thinking to buy a small property in Malaysia and learn how to climb the property ladders. 
    3. Attended jim roger seminar with Jenny and Victor in April.
    4. Registered myself for a seminar about Australia Tax Review in May 13
    5. Sold majority of my stocks holding and held on commodities.
  1. Relationship
    1. I must spend on average at least 30min a day with Jenny. 
    2. Will call home once a week. 
    3. Spent time with Hong Kong Friends and Friends in Perth. 
    4. Met up with CK and Ronald. CK stopped by in Singapore before leaving for Melbourne while Ronald is also stopped by Singapore going back to KK after his 6 months working holiday in New Zealand. 
    5. Met Jenny's family and got her approval for wedding this year. Bought a diamond from Blue nile and sent it to Hong Kong to have no tax.  From May onward, we will be looking for venue and also guest list stuff. Which I will not put into details here. 
  1. Family
    1. Met my Parents in March, when I was back for Mok's wedding. 
    2. Call them at least once a week to catch up.  Building up this habit. 
    3. Met them again in April while they are here in Singapore to see me. Singapore is definitely a different place when they are around. 
  1. Business
    1. Continue to bring in sales for Summit Coating. People from oil and gas do source for paint online. I will be sourcing for a marketing guy in KK to boost sales. 
  1. Travel
    1. Planning my trip to New Zealand this coming June. 

Parents visit to Singapore Weekend 5th April 2015

Hah! My parents are here in Singapore last weekend, between Easter Friday and also Easter Sunday.

Day 1,

They reached T1 around 1650, but only managed to check out from T1 around one hour later. Which was later than what we had anticipated. I brought them to V hotel as usual.

Brought them to Bugis for the Fish noodles 

Day 2

I was working, so just managed to join them for dinner only. We had our dinner at beng hiang

Day 3

It was easter sunday, I brought them to have late lunch at East ocean. They kinda like although they didn't eat much. I then brought them up to Marina Bay tower to have a quick view of the tower. Dinner was at Paradise Dynasty. 

Day 4

I was on night shift, had breakfast at suntech city toast box, walked around sun tech and also millennial walk,.Went to airport around 1500 hrs and they left around 1640hrs. 

Miss them dearly.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mok Wedding weekend 7/3/2015 @ Kota Kinabalu

Day 1. Jenny and I took a taxi to Changi Terminal 3 at 10am in the morning on 7/3/2015... We knew that this time round will be a short trip back to KK. Basically just to attend the wedding, meet my parents, catch up with some old friends and relax.

We took a new airlines called Malindo air, which is a combination of malaysia and also indonesian airlines. There were ample leg space for typical Asian like me. They got entertainment screen, light snacks and a bottle of water provided. The down side is that we have to transit at Kuala Lumpur in order for us to get to Kota Kinabalu.

After about 5 hours of journey, we reached there around 3pm. My mum was waiting for me at the arrival gate in KKIA, We greeted our parents, took the car and drive off to our hotel. After getting refreshed we then travelled to Shangrilla's hotel. We reached there around 5pm sharp.

Met a group of old friends, secondary friends mostly, mok, mok's family generally. Feels like home just that a lot of us are now older.

So there are a few ushers on the spot, free flow of food and drinks. We then being ushered to rows of seat where Mok and her Husband will exchange vows. The sun is starting to set behind them, which makes the entire scene cinematic. Without further delay, they then exchanged vows and kissed by the beach in front of all of us.

We then had photo sessions with Mok and her newly wed Husband, Jin Chiao.

After that, we proceeded to the dinner place, drop my hong bao to mok's relatives and proceeded to our respective table, started our meal, dance with our old friends and of course drink with my old mates!

After the wedding dinner, I left the place and joined my parents for a round of herbal Tea at Foh Sang.

After our herbal tea session, we then retire to our room at promenade and have a good rest.

Day 2- On our 2nd day in KK, we had breakfast at Kuo Min, Fish paste and roasted pork. After our breakfast, we drove to the jetty and took a short boat ride to Sapi Island.

The water is crystal clear and the weather is just nice. I had a good nap there.

On my way back to KK jetty, I lost my S5 and also my mum's sim card in it. I guess it was either dropped into the sea or being stolen by someone.

After the incident, I went back to hotel to get rest and joined my family for dinner at supertanker.

Day 3. 
Had breakfast at tung fong Inanam, we had lao shu pan for breakfast, which I did not expect. After that, we went to visit a property at UCA.

The place is nice but the owner refuse to give us some discount on the selling price. So the waiting game begins.

After our property visit, we then picked up my parents from the office and went straight back to KK airport. We then left KK with heavy hearts.