Saturday, February 5, 2022


Yesterday I left work early connected with Jenny and also Jayden at night. 

Went to Daiso, NTUC and Japan home with Jenny and connected with her. After that, we went home and watched some longboarding tutorials, and we tried longboarding in our room. I also massaged Jenny for good night sleep. 

Woke up at 0630hrs today took a multivitamin, Apple cider vinegar and also vitamin c. Did rebounding for about 30 secs and left the house for work. I wrote this post while I was on bus 851. 

Today will be connecting with Shaun around 12noon about family matters. I will have to plan for the week, months and also the year so I can make a progressive move towards my goals. I think it is time to relook into my goals tomorrow while I got a bit of time so I can move towards my goals. 

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