Thursday, February 10, 2022


 Discipline me; I am recording what I have done and stuff. Writing this blog at a bus stop. Thinking back, I have got so many things to learn. 

Woke up at 6 am, half an hour earlier, and it was part of my atomic habit implementation. I am thinking to set my morning routine.

0600 wake up 

0615 To rebounding or yoga 

0630 To take my pills and shower 

0650 To spend time with Family 

0700 to leave the house 

0708 to write blog and post 

0715 to read on my kindle

0730 to reach my workplace 

1200 to connect with family 

1900 to leave my workplace 

1930 to have dinner and shower 

2000 to connect with the family

2100 to read financial/ to edit vlog 

2300 to sleep 

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