Tuesday, February 15, 2022


Woke up at 0640hrs, wasted my time in the morning and missed my rebounding session. 

Connect with my mum yesterday, and I told her about my plan to meet them in June. She was excited to hear that. I will have to start looking for flights and stuff. I will have to take care of my health as I see many youngsters get strokes in the hawker centre. The stroke will cause our family a lot of money in the long run and forget about investing. Be very grateful for what I eat from now on. Discipline discipline discipline 

I clocked 12k footsteps yesterday, and I am feeling good today. I will keep up the steps every day and improve on my walking to the site simultaneously. 

I am more connected with Jenny and will be organising more family outings. I love spending time with Jenny as she is very conscious and could unleash her full potential in the right environment. She will be open and willing to share and listen. I wish we could have more of our family time together and sometimes it can be less expensive. I think we should be setting a budget too for our monthly gathering 

I am starting to read on a bus and am continuing the habit. 

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