Monday, February 7, 2022

SJ463 weekend and Monday

Resuming my success journal is quite fun and familiar. I am now looking forward to hopping on bus 851 and writing a post. 

Yesterday was my off day, and the day before, which is a Sunday, I worked. During my lunch break, I connected with my brother Shaun to discuss our family business at home and how he is getting along. I guess it is comforting to be able to share his thought and to clarify it by discussing them with me. At least not to face all the trouble by himself. Aligning ourselves with our parents. I shared with him that probably mom is feeling a bit tired about working now. 

Getting off work around 5 pm and spent time with Jayden; it was drizzling. Jayden and I went out to fetch Jenny from newton station. We thought to surprise Jenny, but we couldn't catch her along the way, and she reached home via another route. We had our dinner at home and spent a relaxing Sunday night with the family. 

Monday 7/2/2022

On my off day, I sent Jayden to school, connected with my mom along the way, Jenny bought some bakeries from the game, and I brought the bakery to veronica's place. Got the wrong address but managed to find her place. Sally and I brought some stuff and four tiers of kallax back via gogovan. 

Back home, I had tea and some 🥐 with Jenny before I fetched Jayden from school together with Jacob around 11 am. After school, I went for a swim together with Jayden and Jenny. 

Let Jayden take a nap, and we then work on the kallax installation. 

Finished the installation, and Jayden went for his Chinese class. When Jayden finished his Chinese class, we went to Thomson road playground to learn longboarding. Did a few rounds, and we went to square 2 to meet up with Lucy for dinner in Kaizen ramen. Jayden did misbehave by lifting his both legs and was scolded by Jenny. 

After our meal, we sent lucy to MRT and went back home. 

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