Thursday, February 17, 2022

Success journal 471 and farewell with weiyang

 Left work earlier yesterday and spent quality time with jenny. 

Habits I am tracking: 

Waking up at 6 am

Connect with jenny 

Lemon water 

Play piano with jayden 

Play blockus with the family 

Read and write on the bus 

Went on for a farewell lunch with weiyang in a taxi; we are 120 for 4 of us. We discussed family matters, travel and stuff.

Jenny is frustrated with Sally recent black face encounter. I guess she couldn't sleep well as I am telling her that if we are getting a new helper now, it will cost us 6k. She suggested letting her fly home in June while we are away. 

We will have to pay for the pcr, and she is very frustrated with my approach about helper

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